This article will explain about the control panel from which you can control each game and its supporting apps separately. Check out these game settings when you visit the Library in your Overwolf appstore!

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What can I do with Overwolf's Game Settings?

For each game you play or have an app for, you can control the following options:

  • Overlay & Hotkeys

    Enable to allow Overwolf and apps to appear in a game, or disable to prevent them from launching for that game.

    • Auto Launch Permissions

      Some apps have an auto-launch capability, making them pop once a game is launched. Some of those may not have an internal switch to control this, so we’re handing you the power to override this auto launch or allow it.
      Even if the permission is disabled, you can still activate any app manually from the dock (Ctrl+Tab in-game).

    • FPS Indicator

      Enable to see the in-game FPS meter, and select in which corner of the screen it appears.

    • Hotkeys

      Each app's set of hotkeys is managed separately per game. This means you can assign a different hotkey combination for the same app in different games, and you can assign one specific hotkey combination for different apps in different games. For more information, please visit the "How to Manage Your Overwolf Hotkeys" article.


Where do I find Overwolf's Game Settings?

 There are a few strategic locations from which you can access the overlay settings:

  • Apps' pages in the appstore (for apps that are already installed) - click on the cogwheel icon and choose "Overlay settings":

  • The apps management section in the Library:

  • Right-click menu for apps in the dock:

  • We’ve also added an easy access to Overwolf's settings through the appstore: